Mummers News


16 / 1 / 2017.

The Marshfield Mummers are pleased to report a very successful Boxing Day.
A very good crowd gathered in the market place, with the help of ‘Sally’ our vicar and Marshfield Band who played and sang Christmas Carols prior to our first performance at 11am.
The crowd followed us up the high street to watch and listen to our other performances.
The final performance was outside the Lord Nelson where we were treated to well-earned drinks.
The weather was perfect, sunny, mild and a very light wind.
The collection for 2016 was a near record of £599.73.
The monies have been divided between the following organisations, The Church Hall, Marshfield Band, The Cricket Club and monies held for the Community Library Project.
If any Marshfield organisation or group would like help, please write to Trevor Hope (Leader of the Mummers) at 10 Fairfield Close, Marshfield. Letters to be received no later than December 2017.
Requests would be given some consideration by the mummers.
27 / 1 / 2016.

The Marshfield Mummers are pleased to report a very successful Boxing Day. A very good crowd gathered in the Market Place, with the help of  ‘Sally’ our vicar and Marshfield Band they sang Christmas Carols prior to our first performance at 11am. The crowd then followed us up the high street to watch and listen to our other performances.

The final performance was outside ‘The Catherine Wheel’ and we were then treated to well earned drinks.
We were lucky in that we had a dry but very windy day.
The collection for 2015 was a record of £610.10. The monies have been divided between the following local organisations :- The Marshfield Village Day Committee, The Church Hall, The Brownies and The Scouts.

Marshfield has many organisations and groups, if any would like help please write to Trevor Hope (Mummers Leader) at 10 Fairfield Close, Marshfield at anytime (to be received no later than December 2016)  Requests would be given some consideration by the Mummers Committee.


27 / 1 / 2015.

There was a good attendance on Boxing Day to see the Mummers and it almost lasted dry until we finished. It was not as cold as often but a glass of whiskey when we had performed outside The Nelson, compliments of the Landlord, was much appreciated.
At the annual meeting at The Castle, Mummers decided to donate money from the collection to Marshfield Brownies and Scouts,
the Church Hall and help towards the cost of the marquee for the village day.

Dick Knight announced he was standing down as leader.
He became a Mummer 62 years ago in 1952 and performed
60 Boxing Days missing two; one with shingles and one with flu.
He became leader following Ken Andrew’s retirement in 1995.
Ken and Dick are the only Mummers left with Silver Medals awarded by the English Folk Dances and Song Society for their performances at The Royal Albert Hall in 1956.

The new leader is Trevor Hope who first performed as Dr Phoenix in 1969 when Alec Hendy was unwell.
Henry Knight continues as Treasurer and John Pullin as Secretary.

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